When I Grow Up…

22 September, 2021

To keep morale up during the lockdown we had a couple of fun dress up days, following on from the success of Book Week.  One of these was “What I want to be when I grow up.”

We hope you enjoy these photos and wonderful ambitions from Gawura.

Leila from kindergarten wants to be a doctor

Yuin in year 1 want to be an actor playing superheroes in movies

Bokhara from year 1 would love to be a marine biologist

Ellie in year 2 wants to be a yoga teacher

Samara who is in year 2 wants to be a school teacher

BJ from year 2 would like to be a boxer

Bryden in year 2 wants to join the SWAT team member because he wants to call out “Freeze!”

Annie from year 5 wants to go On Country Tour when she grows up or would like to work taking kids on cultural tours.  Sadly we didn’t get to go to North Queensland this year on our On Country trip but hopefully next year it will be something we get to do.  We can’t wait for Annie to experience that!

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