
Volunteer Impact

From Mrs Jane Price, our Kindergarten teacher: “The reading program is the most important part of our day and needs to be taken very seriously. It is the main thing that gets us our good results. Reading impacts everything even maths. If you take too long to read the question, you have less time to solve the problem.”

Our students made wonderful gains across the key learning areas of the school curriculum.

  • Year 3 and Year 5 students completed all NAPLAN assessments in Term 2 and the results showed some wonderful gains that were made over the previous two years.
  • This year’s NAPLAN results for Year 5 showed that our students achieved above state average in everything except spelling where we were just below the state average mark. This is a wonderful result as it includes areas such as reading, writing, numeracy and punctuation and grammar.

We are very proud that students are achieving such excellent academic outcomes.

We thank every single person who currently volunteers or has volunteered in Gawura.

To volunteer, please sign up here, providing your name and contact details.