Meet the Staff – Lauren Ferguson, Aboriginal Education Assistant
26 August, 2020
This month we have the pleasure of chatting with Gawura’s Aboriginal Education Assistant Lauren Ferguson.
Which nation are you from?
I am from two tribes – Bundjalung and Wiradjuri.
What’s your role at Gawura?
I am the Aboriginal Education Assistant. I work across all the Gawura classes, right now I’m focused on year 1 and 2 as there are more kids in those years at the moment. I’m also working with years 4 and 5 – basically I go where I’m needed most.
What attracted you to this job?
The fact that Gawura is an Aboriginal school was a big draw card and the way that the job was advertised sounded great as well. I’d been emailed details and I showed it to my mum and other friends and family who also work in education and they told me it was a great school.
What does your typical day look like?
Ok! A typical day would be making breakfast for the students who need it. Helping with each Stage – mainly 1 and 2 during their morning timetable, helping with English, taking kids to the library. I also go with the classes when they are taught with their Buddy Classes in SACS. For example, PE and Drama are both taught in SACS so I’ll accompany the kids to those classes.
I also help with uniforms, going on excursions – there’s always plenty to do.
When did you start here?
I started just doing 2 days a week back in 2017 and I was so amazed! The kids and the staff were so fantastic I just wanted to do more here. Then I went to 3 days, then 4 and last year I moved up to 5 days a week.
What’s your favourite part of your job?
Working with the kids! And getting to know more about my background as well. I’ve learned more Wiradjuri language and I’ve become more connected to my culture since I’ve been here.
What were you like at school?
I was very chatty! I was very out there! Into dance and drama. I had lots of personality. I loved to learn but I needed the teachers to help me. I wish that I’d come to a school like this, I felt like I fell behind a little. I was one of only two Aboriginal students in my year.
Who was your hero growing up?
My hero had to be my dad. He was very, very intelligent, very smart. He was a role model for everybody. If you talked to anybody in my neighbourhood, even people that I didn’t know, people that he’d played footy with they all said he was a top bloke. And now I just want to take care of his last name.
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