Gawura celebrates NAIDOC Week 2022
23 June, 2022
Gawura celebrated NAIDOC Week at the end of June. This year’s theme was “Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! The celebration included a week full of activities, including a Smoking Ceremony on the Playground on the roof to welcome Dr McGongile.
There was a display of “Deadly Heroes” – the Gawura students made a display of the heroes that they look up too.
The highlight of the celebrations was the NAIDOC Assembly. Our Gawura students performed a play, ‘How the Parrots Got Their Colours’, based on a traditional Dreamtime story, and our Gawura Ambassador and Co-founder Pastor Ray Minniecon made a moving speech, sharing his personal story with students. Special guests and parents who attended were later invited to share in a celebratory morning tea.
A huge thanks to everybody who attended the celebrations and those volunteers who sewed the costumes or build the set for the performance. We truly appreciate your support and that you Showed Up! for Gawura.
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